A Collaborative Planning Process that Supports Full Participation in General Education Instruction

Presented by Dr. Cheryl Jorgensen 

When students with complex support needs are included in general education classes, their teams must proactively plan for their active participation. This session will describe and provide examples of a collaborative team planning process that answers the following questions: What are the student's priority learning objectives in this unit or week's worth of instruction? What supports will the student need for full participation and learning? How will student learning be assessed? Who on the team is responsible for finding and/or creating supports. The presentation will provide examples of three

students' participation plans - elementary, middle, and high school - and workshop participants will have a chance to practice the planning process. Examples of supports will include adapted materials, schema for solving math problems, assistive technology for reading and writing, and sensory supports.

Changes in Attitude, Changes in Latitude: New Roles for IEP Team Members in Inclusive Schools

Presented by Dr. Cheryl Jorgensen

When students with complex support needs are included in general education classes, the roles of their IEP team members must change. This presentation will describe new roles and responsibilities of special educators, general educations, related service providers, and paraprofessionals. With respect to special education teachers, the role of Inclusion Facilitator will be described in depth. Many examples will be provided of how SLPs, OTs, and

PTs can push-in their services into general education instructional routines as well as in other natural environments and activities throughout the school. The role of the general education teacher shifts from being the host for students visiting their classroom to the person who creates a welcoming classroom through her attitude and use of the principles of Universal Design for Learning in her instruction and assessment. The paraprofessional's role shifts from being a constant 1:1 instructor to supporting the student to be an active participant in instruction led by the general education teacher. Models of co-teaching between the general and special education teacher will also be described.

Advocating for Appropriate Educational Support for Students with Hearing Loss

Presented by Dr. Karen Anderson

As a low incidence disability, only 1 out of every 100 children with IEPs are eligible for special education services due primarily to hearing loss. The educational performance, academic achievement, social interaction, and participation of students with hearing loss is often mistaken for other, more common disability areas. Thus, it is often necessary for family members or specialists working with this population to advocate for appropriate evaluation and intervention services. This presentation will provide an overview of the framework of laws that apply to the education and inclusion of students with hearing loss. Special considerations needed by the IEP team will be provided along with strategies for successful collaboration to develop an appropriate educational plan of services, accommodations, and supports to facilitate effective student achievement.

Communication Access, Participation, and Self-Advocacy Needs of Students with Hearing Loss

Presented by Dr. Karen Anderson 

Only 1 out of every 100 students with IEPs has been qualified for special education primarily due to hearing loss. The impacts of hearing loss are far-reaching and often look much the same as behaviors of children with learning disabilities, speech/language disorders, or even social issues, yet the primary cause for all of these issues is decreased access to communication and not disordered learning. This session will present issues related to communication access needs for students with hearing loss, how participation in the classroom is often affected, and the need to develop student self-advocacy skills. Means to estimate the level of communication access will be described as well as the components contributing to self-advocacy skills and how they can be developed.

Understanding and Effectively Sharing the Impacts of Hearing Loss

Presented by Dr. Karen Anderson 

The impact of hearing loss on student behavior is often similar to students with learning disabilities, speech/language disorders, or social issues, but the educational performance differences are due to reduced access to communication and not a learning disorder. Hearing devices do not restore normal hearing, yet these students are often assumed to perceive more of communication in the classroom than they actually can, which often ends in frustration for the student and the teacher. Teachers and others who work with these students often require an inservice prior to working with this population.This presentation will provide information and strategies for how to get across the various impacts of hearing loss in meaningful, effective, and memorable ways. Individuals with limited exposure to the needs of students with hearing loss will develop a basic understanding of the impacts of hearing loss and need for appropriate accommodations, supports, and specialized services.

Steps to Assessment: Identifying Educational Needs of Students with Hearing Loss

Presented by Dr. Karen Anderson 

IDEA requires that evaluations include materials tailored to assess specific areas of educational need. This presentation will describe the array of educational performance areas vulnerable to delay secondary to the communication access deficits experienced by students with hearing loss. This general presentation will provide important considerations when assessing the population of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and suggest some specific evaluation instruments or procedures.

Endrew F. and the evolution of the FAPE standard

Presented by Dr. David Bateman 

The recent Supreme Court decision in Endrew F. helps clarify the FAPE standard for special education. This case was needed, since there have been a lot of changes since the last case on FAPE, which was heard in 1982. This presentation will cover the changes that have occurred in education over the past few decades and where this case fits for special education.

Meaningful Communication Programming: How do Evidence-Based Practices Fit?

Presented by Dr. Susan Bruce  

This presentation will begin with an orientation to two frameworks for planning communication programming: The Tri-Focus Framework and The Four Aspects of Communication. Evidence-based practices in communication, language, and literacy will be presented as well as the level of evidence for each practice. The implementation of classic literacy lessons, such as experience books, will be shared. Participants will learn to offer authentic choice-making opportunities as a literacy lesson. The importance of individualized and personalized literacy efforts will be emphasized. Participants will be encouraged to apply what is covered in this presentation to individual learners who are deafblind and will create an action plan.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Feeding Difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other

Presented by Dr. Allyson Davis 

This presentation will focus on an interdisciplinary team approach to managing feeding difficulties and disorders in for children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders. Topics covered will include background information on feeding development and types of feeding difficulties frequently observed in these populations. Additionally, the necessary oral motor skills required for consuming an age appropriate diet will be reviewed.  Behavioral strategies for improving the variety and volume of foods and decreasing negative mealtime behaviors will be included. Additionally, information regarding nutritional recommendations and referral resources will be provided.

Girls and Women Under the Umbrella of ASD

Presented by Dr. Lori Ernsperger

Girls and women on the Autism Spectrum are often under-diagnosed or misdiagnosed which leads to a lack of appropriate educational services and supports. During this session, Dr. Lori Ernsperger, author of Girls Under the Umbrella of ASD, will highlight the core gender differences between males and females with ASD. Dr. Lori will review the current research as it relates to the role of genetics and how diagnostic tools can influence a correct diagnosis. In addition, this session will focus on strategies for addressing specific issues such as social communication skills, and self- advocacy skills.

Implementing Evidence Based Instructional Methods For Skill Acquisition: Focus on ABA

Presented by Dr. Lori Ernsperger

School personnel working in the field of ASD are faced with a growing number of treatment strategies, therapies, and quick-fix approaches for the classroom. This session will consider the current research supporting evidence-based instructional methods that are based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis which include discrete trial teaching and naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions. Dr. Lori will utilize videos and hands-on activities to enrich this session and facilitate immediate implementation to the classroom.

Communication and Literacy Strategies for Students with Complex Communication Needs

Presented by Esley Newton, Ed.D & Megan Conway, M.Ed

This session will guide participants through a process for developing and implementing a framework to improve communication and literacy outcomes for students with complex communications needs (CCN). Presenters will provide a step by step guide from student application to team-based implementation and beyond. Content will include student assessments and inventories, action plan development, communication and literacy strategies, and progress monitoring.

Celebrating Milestones: Delaware Initiatives for Universal Screening

Presented by Brittany Powers, MPH & Cindy Brown, M.Ed 

This session will review Delaware initiatives and inform participants on how to access supports and resources for families of young children in their communities. The combination of developmental monitoring, using tools like Learn the Signs. Act Early. checklists, and developmental screening, using a formal tool like the ASQ, lead to earlier identification and enrollment in appropriate services for young children. Participants will have an understanding of how to integrate developmental surveillance and support families in their existing programs.

Success with Social Skills

Presented by Dr. Ashley Dubin, BCBA & Annemarie Doordan, M.S., CCC-SLP

This training is designed to teach how the core characteristics of autism impact social success, explaining typical social development and how it differs in children with autism.  It also covers how to implement the evidence-based practices of video modeling, social narratives and peer-mediated instruction and intervention.